
This map shows firefly occurrence records across North America from three sources: observations submitted by Firefly Atlas participants; the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF); and other museum specimen and observation records compiled by the Xerces Society. Zoom into the map to explore individual observations and specimen records. Clicking on a point will bring up a pop-up with information on the species, date of observation or collection, and data source. Use the filters below to further refine the map and tailor your results.

Note that Firefly Atlas observations will not appear on the map immediately: the map will be periodically updated.

Also note that there are some discrepancies between the scientific names used in each of the three data sets. We are working on reducing these discrepancies, but in the meantime you may need to check both the current scientific name and synonyms.

Reference layers on the map include Firefly Atlas focal regions, Level III EPA Ecoregions, and Public Lands. These layers can be turned on and off and may be useful for planning surveys.

To learn more about the data used in this map, please visit our Data and Privacy Policy page.

Link to view the map in full-screen.


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This is a project of the Xerces Society, working in collaboration with the IUCN SSC Firefly Specialist Group and New Mexico BioPark Society.

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