Firefly Species Checklist of the USA and Canada

This checklist includes all 179 described firefly species and subspecies known from the USA and Canada. It was assembled using specimen and occurrence records from sources including the published literature, digitized museum collections like Symbiota Collections of Arthropods Network (SCAN), and correspondence with researchers, among others.

To use this checklist, filter by fields such as species name (using either the genus or full species), taxonomic authority (the name of the person who described the species), Red List category or NatureServe global conservation status rank (both measures of extinction risk), type (life history strategy), whether females are flightless, or distribution (state or province). You may want to filter for neighboring states or provinces as well, as some places have been surveyed more intensively than others. (You can filter by multiple states/provinces at once.) You can then download or save a copy of your filtered checklist for your own reference (although note that the links will not be preserved).

Because multiple scientific names have changed in recent years, a column is included for recent synonyms. To search by recent synonyms, use the search box that is above the upper right corner of the table.

For species that have been assessed for extinction risk by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List, links to assessments are provided, many of which include images and distribution maps.

wdt_ID Species name Recent synonyms Common name(s) Taxonomic authority Red List category NatureServe global rank Type Flightless females Distribution
1 Aspisoma ignitum Dixon's striped firefly (Linnaeus, 1758) LC G5? Flash No FL, TX
2 Bicellonycha wickershamorum Southwest spring firefly Cicero, 1982 VU G2G3 Flash No AZ, NM
3 Bicellonycha wickershamorum piceum Gila southwest spring firefly Cicero, 1982 EN G2G3T1T2 Flash No AZ, NM
4 Bicellonycha wickershamorum wickershamorum Southwest spring firefly Cicero, 1982 VU G2G3T2T3 Flash No AZ
5 Brachylampis blaisdelli Blaisdell's firefly VanDyke, 1939 DD GU Day No CA
6 Brachylampis sanguinicollis Blood-necked firefly; red-collared firefly VanDyke, 1939 DD GU Day No CA
7 Chespirito milleri Miller's firefly Ferreira, Keller & Ivie, 2022 NE GNR Presumed Day Presumed Yes AZ
8 Photinus alexanderi Ellychnia alexanderi Alexander's firefly Fender, 1969 DD GU Day No AZ, CO, UT
9 Photinus autumnalis Ellychnia autumnalis Autumnal firefly (Melsheimer, 1846) DD GU Day No AK, ID, IN, MN, MT, NC, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, WA, WI, AB, BC, NT, ON, QC
10 Photinus bivulnerus Ellychnia bivulnerus Twice-wounded firefly Green, 1949 DD* GU Day No AZ
11 Photinus californicus Ellychnia californica, Photinus californica California glow-worm; western firefly (Motschulsky, 1854) DD GU Day No CA, OR, WA, BC
12 Photinus captiosus Ellychnia captiosa, Photinus captiosa Tricky firefly (Fender, 1969) DD GU Day No CA
13 Photinus corruscus Ellychnia corrusca, Photinus corrusca Winter firefly (Linnaeus, 1767) LC G5 Day No AL, CO, CT, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MT, NC, ND, NH, NJ, NM, NY, OH, PA, RI, TN, VA, VT, WI, WV, AB, BC, MB, NB, NL, NS, NT, ON, QC, PE, YT, SK
14 Photinus faculus Ellychnia facula, Photinus facula Little torch firefly (LeConte, 1857) DD GU Day No ID, MT, OR, WA, BC
15 Photinus flavicollis Ellychnia flavicollis Yellow-necked firefly; yellow-collared firefly (LeConte, 1868) DD GU Day No CA, CO, NM, NV, TX
16 Photinus granulicollis Ellychnia granulicollis Granular-necked firefly (Fender in Hatch, 1962) DD GU Day No MT, OR
17 Photinus greeni Ellychnia greeni Green's firefly (Fender in Hatch, 1962) LC G4 Day No CA, OR, WA, BC
18 Photinus hatchi Ellychnia hatchi Pacific Northwest firefly (Fender in Hatch, 1962) LC G5 Day No CA, MT, OR, WA, BC
19 Photinus irroratus Ellychnia irrorota Sprinkled firefly (Fender, 1969) DD GU Day No AZ
20 Photinus lacustris Ellychnia lacustris Lake firefly LeConte, 1852 DD GU Day No MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, NH, NY, TN, VT, WI
21 Photinus megistus Ellychnia megista Greater firefly (Fender, 1970) DD GU Day No CA
22 Photinus fenderi Ellychnia obscurevittatus Obscured- / hidden- fillet firefly (Fender in Hatch, 1962) DD GU Day No OR
23 Photinus lawrencei Ellychnia simplex; Pyropyga simplex Simple firefly Zaragoza-Caballero, Zurita Garcia & Ramírez-Ponce, 2023 DD GU Day No AZ
24 Lucidota atra Black firefly; woodland Lucy (G.A. Olivier, 1790) LC G5 Day No AL, AR, CT, DE, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, NE, NH, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, VA, VT, WI, WV, MB, NB, NS, ON, QC, PE
25 Lucidota luteicollis Florida scrub dark firefly LeConte, 1878 VU G1G2 Day Yes FL
26 Lucidota punctata Dotted firefly; tiny Lucy (LeConte, 1852) LC G5? Day No AL, CT, GA, IN, KY, MA, MD, MI, MS, NC, NY, OH, PA, TN, VA, WI, WV, ON
27 Micronaspis floridana Florida intertidal firefly; mangrove firefly; fiddler crab firefly Green, 1948 EN G3 Flash No FL
28 Microphotus angustus California pink glow-worm LeConte, 1874 LC G4 Glow Yes CA, OR
29 Microphotus chiricahuae Chiricahua glow-worm Green, 1959 DD GU Glow Yes AZ
30 Microphotus dilatatus Dilated glow-worm LeConte, 1866 DD GU Glow Yes AZ
31 Microphotus fragilis Fragile glow-worm Olivier, 1912 DD* GU Glow Yes AZ
32 Microphotus octarthrus Desert firefly Fall, 1912 DD GU Glow Yes AZ, NM, TX, UT
33 Microphotus pecosensis Pecos desert firefly; mountain glow-worm Fall, 1912 DD GU Glow Yes AZ, CO, NM, TX, UT
34 Nelsonphotus aridus Nelson's desert firefly Cicero, 2006 DD GU Glow Yes CA
35 Paraphausis eximius Superb ghost Green, 1949 DD* GU Day Presumed Yes AZ
36 Phausis californica California ghost; western ghost Fender, 1966 DD GU Glow Yes CA
37 Phausis dorothae Dorothy's ghost Fender in Hatch, 1962 DD GU Glow Yes CA, OR
38 Phausis inaccensa Shadow ghost LeConte, 1878 LC G5 Glow Yes AL, AR, GA, IN, MI, MN, MS, NC, OK, PA, TN, TX, WV
39 Phausis luminosa Luminous ghost Fender, 1966 DD GU Glow Yes AR, OK
40 Phausis marina Seaside ghost; coastal ghost Fender, 1966 DD GU Glow Yes CA
41 Phausis nigra Black ghost Hopping, 1937 DD GU Glow Yes BC
42 Phausis reticulata Blue ghost; Appalachian glow-worm firefly (Say, 1825) LC G4 Glow Yes AL, FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, NC, OH, SC, TN, VA, WV
43 Phausis rhombica Rhombic ghost Fender in Hatch, 1962 DD GU Glow Yes OR, WA, AB, BC
44 Phausis riversi River's ghost (LeConte, 1885) DD GU Glow Yes CA, OR
45 Phausis skelleyi Skelley's ghost Fender in Hatch, 1962 DD GU Glow Yes OR, WA
46 Photinus acuminatus Pointy-lobed firefly Green, 1956 EN G1 Flash No FL, GA, MS, NC, OH, SC
47 Photinus aquilonius Northern firefly Lloyd, 1969 DD GU Flash No MA, ME, MI, MN, SD, WI, MB, NS, ON, QC
48 Photinus ardens Northern ablaze flash-train firefly LeConte, 1852 DD GU Flash No IL, KS, MA, ME, MI, MN, NY, PA, WI, WV, MB, ON, QC
49 Photinus australis Twilight bush baby Green, 1956 LC G4G5 Flash No AL, AR, FL, GA, IL, IN, MO, MS, NC, TN, WV
50 Photinus brimleyi Sidewinder; Brimley's photinus firefly Green, 1956 LC G4 Flash Yes AL, AR, GA, KY, NC, OK, TN
51 Photinus carolinus Synchronous firefly; Smokies synchronous firefly; light show Green, 1956 LC G4 Flash No GA, KY, NC, NY, OH, PA, TN, VA, WV
52 Photinus collustrans Florida fishhook; early field firefly LeConte, 1878 DD* GU Flash Yes FL, GA
53 Photinus concisus Concise firefly; short firefly Lloyd, 1968 LC G4 Flash No TX
54 Photinus consanguineus Double cousin LeConte, 1852 LC G5? Flash No AL, AR, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MO, MS, NC, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, VA, VT, WV, MB, NS, ON
55 Photinus consimilis Cattail flash-train firefly Green, 1956 DD GU Flash No AL, AR, DC, DE, FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MD, MI, MO, MS, NC, NJ, NY, OH, OK, PA, SC, TN, VA, WV
56 Photinus cookii Cook's firefly; fairy ring firefly Green, 1956 DD GU Day No AL, FL, IL, KY, MO, NC, TN, TX
57 Photinus curtatus Clipped single-flash firefly; brush single-flash firefly Green, 1956 LC G5? Flash No IA, IL, IN, KS, MI, MO, NE, NY, OH, OK, PA, SD, ON
58 Photinus dimissus Two-step flasher firefly LeConte, 1881 NT G3 Flash Yes OK, TX
59 Photinus floridanus Florida sprite Fall, 1927 DD GU Flash No DE, FL
60 Photinus frosti Frost's firefly Green, 1956 DD GU Flash No FL, LA
61 Photinus granulatus Lawn single-flash firefly Fall, 1927 DD* GU Flash Yes AR, KS, OK, TX
62 Photinus jamesi Photinus greeni Green's firefly (Lloyd, 1969) LC G4 Flash No FL, MA, MD, NC, NH
63 Photinus ignitus Ignited firefly; delayed photinus firefly Fall, 1927 LC G5 Flash No AL, CT, DE, MA, MD, ME, MN, NC, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VA, VT, NB, ON, QC
64 Photinus immaculatus Unblemished firefly Green, 1956 DD* GU Flash No TX
65 Photinus indictus Silent firefly LeConte, 1881 LC G5 Day No AL, AR, GA, IL, IN, KS, LA, MI, MN, MO, NE, NY, OH, PA, SD, TN, TX, VT, WI, ON, QC
66 Photinus knulli Southwest synchronous firefly Green, 1956 VU G2G3 Flash No AZ, NM
67 Photinus lineellus Small-lined firefly LeConte, 1852 DD GU Flash No AL, FL, MS, AR, TX, NE
68 Photinus macdermotti Mr. Mac Lloyd, 1966 LC G4G5 Flash No DE, FL, KY, MA, MI, NC, NY, OK, PA, SC, TN, WV
69 Photinus marginellus Little gray firefly LeConte, 1852 LC G4 Flash No AL, CT, DE, IA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MA, MD, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, TN, WI, WV, ON, QC
70 Photinus obscurellus Murky flash-train firefly LeConte, 1851 LC G4G5 Flash No CT, IL, IN, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, ND, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, SD, WI, WV, BC, MB, NB, NL, NS, ON, QC, PE
71 Photinus punctulatus Punctate firefly LeConte, 1852 DD* GU Flash Yes AR, IA, IL, KS, MO, OK, TX
72 Photinus pyralis Big dipper; common eastern firefly; J-stroke firefly Linnaeus, 1758 LC G5 Flash No AL, AR, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MD, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, NE, NJ, NM, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, VA, WI, WV, ON
73 Photinus sabulosus Creekside tree blinkers Green, 1956 LC G4 Flash No AL, DE, IL, KY, MD, MS, NC, NJ, NY, OH, PA, TN, VA, WV, ON
74 Photinus scintillans Pale firefly; yellow-bellied firefly; pine barrens firefly Say, 1825 LC G4 Flash Yes DC, DE, IN, MD, MO, NJ, NY, OH, PA, VA, WV
75 Photinus stellaris Starry firefly Fall, 1927 LC G3G4 Flash Yes TX
76 Photinus tanytoxus Long arc firefly Lloyd, 1966 DD GU Flash Yes FL, GA
77 Photinus tenuicinctus Thinly girdled firefly Green, 1956 DD GU Flash No AR, OK
78 Photinus texanus Texas tinie firefly; Texas tinies Green, 1956 LC G4 Flash No TX
79 Photinus umbratus Shaded firefly LeConte, 1878 DD GU Flash No AL, FL, GA, LA, MS, NC, SC
80 Photuris alexanderi UMBS firefly Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No MI
81 Photuris alleganiensis Allegany firefly Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No NY
82 Photuris anna Anna's firefly Heckscher, 2021 NE GNR Flash No NJ
83 Photuris appalachianensis Appalachian dot-dash firefly Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No MD
84 Photuris asacoa Leopold’s firefly Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No IA
85 Photuris aureolucens Golden light firefly; glow firefly Barber, 1951 DD* GU Flash No WI
86 Photuris barberi Barber's firefly Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No TX
87 Photuris beanii Bean's firefly Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No FL
88 Photuris bethaniensis Bethany Beach firefly McDermott, 1953 CR G1 Flash No DE, MD
89 Photuris billbrowni Bill’s hitch Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No TX
90 Photuris branhami Double mother Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No FL
91 Photuris bridgeniensis Hitched-single; Bridgen homestead firefly Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No NY
92 Photuris caerulucens Slow blue firefly; slow blues Barber, 1951 DD* GU Flash No MN, WI
93 Photuris campestra Notch-dash flasher Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No TX
94 Photuris carrorum Carrs’ crescendo Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No FL, SC
95 Photuris chenangoa Chenango firefly Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No NJ, NY
96 Photuris cinctipennis Belted firefly; flicker mother Barber, 1951 EN G1G2 Flash No DE, MD
97 Photuris congener Florida single snappy LeConte, 1852 DD* GU Flash No FL, GA
98 Photuris cowaseloniensis Creek-Penn firefly; Cowesalon Creek firefly Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No NY
99 Photuris darwini Darwin's firefly Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No AL, GA, KY, SC, TN, VA
100 Photuris divisa Flint Hills firefly; double flash LeConte, 1852 LC G4 Flash No IL, KS, MO, NE, OK
101 Photuris dorothae Little red Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No FL, GA, NC
102 Photuris douglasae Douglas' firefly Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No FL, GA
103 Photuris eliza Eliza's firefly Heckscher, 2021 NE GNR Flash No DE
104 Photuris eureka Mallory Swamp firefly Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No FL
105 Photuris fairchildi Cape Breton firefly; Fairchild's predator Barber, 1951 LC G5 Flash No CT, GA, IA, KY, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, NC, NE, NH, NJ, NY, OH, SC, SD, TN, VA, VT, WI, WV, NS, ON, PE
106 Photuris falli Photuris flavicollis, Photuris brunipennis var. falli Sky island firefly Fall, 1927 VU G1G3 Flash Presumed No AZ, TX
107 Photuris floridana Photuris brunnipennis floridana Florida firefly Fall, 1927 DD GH Flash No FL
108 Photuris forresti Loopy five; Forrest's firefly Lloyd, 2018 EN G1 Flash No GA, SC, TN
109 Photuris frontalis Snappy single sync firefly LeConte, 1852 LC G4? Flash No AL, DC, DE, FL, GA, MD, MS, NC, SC, TN, TX, VA, WV
110 Photuris gentrae Lesser Texas-red firefly Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No TX
111 Photuris harrannorum Florida versi (triple-flash) Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No FL
112 Photuris hebes Heebie-jeebies; slow-hitch firefly Barber, 1951 LC G5 Flash No AR, DC, DE, GA, IN, MD, NC, NY, OH, OK, PA, SC, TN, TX, WV
113 Photuris hiawasseensis Hiawassee River firefly Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No SC, TN, WV
114 Photuris katrinae Texas red Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No TX
115 Photuris lamarcki Sidewinder firefly Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No FL, GA, SC
116 Photuris lineaticollis Giant red Motschulsky, 1854 DD GU Flash No FL
117 Photuris lloydi Lloyd's predator; Highlands Hammock crescendo McDermott, 1966 LC G4 Flash No FL
118 Photuris lucicrescens July comets; big scaries; big-Lucy; great crescendo Barber, 1951 LC G5 Flash No AL, AR, DC, DE, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, MO, MS, NC, NE, NJ, NY, OH, PA, SC, TN, VA, WV
119 Photuris lynfaustae Hitched red Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No GA
120 Photuris maicoi Big red Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No FL
121 Photuris margotooleae Integrity firefly Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No CT, NY
122 Photuris missouriensis Prairie train firefly McDermott, 1962 DD GU Flash No AR, IA, KS, KY, MO, OH
123 Photuris moorei Fast crescendo Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No GA, MO
124 Photuris mysticalampas Mysterious lantern firefly Heckscher, 2013 EN G1G2 Flash No DE, MD
125 Photuris paludivulpes Swamp-fox firefly Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No SC
126 Photuris patriei Oklawaha Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No FL
127 Photuris pensylvanica Dot-dash firefly; Pennsylvania firefly; Barber's Penn DeGeer, 1774 VU G3? Flash No DC, DE, MD, NJ, NY, PA
128 Photuris polacekae Polacek's firefly Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No TX
129 Photuris potomaca Potomac River firefly Barber, 1951 DD* GU Flash No CT, DC, KY, MD, OH, VA, WV
130 Photuris pyralomima Common eastern mimic, Pyralis-mimicking firefly Barber, 1951 EN G1? Flash No DE, NY
131 Photuris quadrifulgens Spring 4-flasher Barber, 1951 LC G5 Flash No AL, AR, CT, GA, IL, IN, KY, MA, MD, MI, MO, MS, NC, NJ, NY, OH, OK, PA, SC, TN, VA, WV
132 Photuris salina Photuris salinus Salt marsh firefly Barber, 1951 NT G3 Flash No DE, MD, NJ
133 Photuris sellicki Sellick's firefly Heckscher, 2021 NE GNR Flash No NY
134 Photuris sheckscheri Schecksher's firefly Heckscher, 2021 NE GNR Flash No DE, NJ
135 Photuris sivinskii Quick 1-2 Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No FL, GA, MO
136 Photuris stanleyi Florida tremulans; Stanley's firefly Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No FL, GA
137 Photuris stevensae Nettie’s firefly Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No CT, MA, NY
138 Photuris tasunkowitcoi Crazy Horse firefly Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No ND
139 Photuris tremulans Christmas lights; confusing firefly Barber, 1951 LC G4? Flash No AL, AR, GA, IL, IN, MA, MD, MO, MS, NC, OH, PA, SC, TN, VA, WV
140 Photuris versicolor Variable triple-flash firefly; multi-flash predator Fabricius, 1798 LC G4 Flash No AL, DC, DE, FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, MD, MS, NC, NJ, NY, OH, PA, SC, TN, VA, WV
141 Photuris walkeri Long red Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No FL
142 Photuris walldoxeyi Cypress firefly; Wall Doxey's firefly Faust, 2019 VU G2G3 Flash No IL, IN, MS, TN
143 Photuris whistlerae Whistler’s mother Lloyd, 2018 NE GNR Flash No FL
144 Pleotomodes knulli Anthill firefly Green, 1949 DD GU Glow Yes FL
145 Pleotomodes needhami Ant-loving scrub firefly Green, 1948 EN G1G2 Glow Yes FL
146 Pleotomus nigripennis Black-winged firefly LeConte, 1885 DD GU Glow Yes AZ, NM, TX, UT
147 Pleotomus pallens Pale glow-worm LeConte, 1866 LC G4 Glow Yes KS, OK, TX
148 Pollaclasis bifaria Branched Polly Say, 1835 DD GU Day No FL, IN, LA, MS, OH, TN, VA, WI, ON, QC
149 Prolutacea pulsator Pulsating firefly Cicero, 1984 DD* GU Glow Yes AZ
150 Pterotus curticornis Short-horned glow-worm Chemsak, 1978 DD GU Glow Presumed Yes CA, TX
151 Pterotus obscuripennis Douglas fir glow-worm LeConte, 1859 LC G4G5 Glow Yes CA, OR, WA
152 Pyractomena angulata Say's firefly; candle firefly; angled firefly Say, 1825 LC G5 Flash No AL, AR, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, VA, VT, WI, WV, MB, NB, NS, ON, PE, QC
153 Pyractomena angustata Glowing firefly; narrow spring firefly LeConte, 1851 DD* GU Flash No AL, FL, GA, MS
154 Pyractomena barberi Barber's spring firefly Green, 1957 DD* GU Flash No FL
155 Pyractomena borealis Spring treetop flasher; northern firefly Randall, 1828 LC G5 Flash No AL, AR, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, VA, VT, WI, WV, AB, MB, NS, ON, PE, QC, SK
156 Pyractomena dispersa Marsh flicker; wiggle dancer (western states) Green, 1957 DD* GU Flash No AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, GA, ID, KY, MA, MD, ME, MI, MO, MS, NC, ND, NH, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OK, PA, TN, UT, VA, VT, WA, WV, AB, MB, SK
157 Pyractomena ecostata Keel-necked firefly; striped firefly LeConte, 1878 EN G3 Flash No AL, DE, FL, MD, NJ
158 Pyractomena floridana Florida spring firefly Green, 1957 DD* GU Flash No AL, FL, MS
159 Pyractomena limbicollis Margin-necked firefly Green, 1957 DD GU Flash No FL
160 Pyractomena linearis Marsh gray LeConte, 1852 DD GU Flash No MA, ME, MI, MN, NH, NY, PA, WI, AB, MB, ON, QC
161 Pyractomena lucifera Marsh imp Melsheimer, 1845 DD* GU Flash No AL, DC, DE, FL, GA, IL, IN, LA, MA, MD, MI, MN, MS, NC, ND, NY, OH, OK, PA, SC, SD, TX, VA, WI, ON, QC
162 Pyractomena marginalis Marginal firefly Green, 1957 DD* GU Flash No AL, AR, CT, DC, GA, IL, MA, MD, ME, NC, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OK, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, WV
163 Pyractomena palustris Marsh diver Green, 1957 DD GU Flash No AR, DC, MD, MS, TN, VA
164 Pyractomena punctiventris Texas hookers LeConte, 1878 LC G4 Flash No TX
165 Pyractomena similis Similar firefly Green, 1957 DD GU Flash No AL, MD, MS, SC, VA
166 Pyractomena sinuata Notched firefly Green, 1957 DD* GU Flash No CT, ND, NE, VT
167 Pyractomena vexillaria Amber comet firefly Gorham, 1881 EN G1 Flash No TX
168 Pyropyga decipiens Sneaky elf Harris, 1836 LC G5 Day No CT, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, MA, MD, MO, NE, NJ, NY, OH, PA, VA, VT, WI, WV, NB, ON, QC, PE
169 Pyropyga minuta Flower elf LeConte, 1852 LC G5 Day No CO, FL, GA, LA, NM, OK, TN, TX, WV
170 Pyropyga modesta Modest elf Green, 1961 DD GU Day No AZ, MO, NM, OK, TX
171 Pyropyga nigricans Black-bordered elf Say, 1823 LC G5 Day Sometimes AZ, CA, CO, ID, IN, KY, ME, MI, MT, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OK, TX, UT, VA, WA, AB, BC, MB, ON, QC
172 Tenaspis angularis Tropic traveler; angled tenaspis firefly Gorham, 1880 DD GU Day No AL, FL, GA, LA, MS, MO, TX
173 Photuris witmeri Heckscher, 2023 NE GNR Flash No DE, PA
174 Photuris figuramuto Heckscher, 2023 NE GNR Flash No PA
175 Pleotomus davisii Davis's oddball LeConte 1881 NE GNR Glow Yes AL, AR, GA, KY, LA, MO, OH, TN, TX
176 Photuris mcavoyi McAvoy's firefly Heckscher & Branham, 2024 NE GNR Flash No DE
177 Phausis christineae Piedmont ghost; foxfire ghost Hodson, 2024 NE GNR Glow Yes GA, NC, OK, SC
178 Phausis milleri Hodson, 2024 NE GNR Glow Yes WI
179 Phausis branhami Hodson, 2024 NE GNR Glow Yes WI
Species name Recent synonyms Taxonomic authority Red List category NatureServe global rank Type Flightless females Distribution


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This is a project of the Xerces Society, working in collaboration with the IUCN SSC Firefly Specialist Group and New Mexico BioPark Society.

Copyright © 2025 The Xerces Society •1631 NE Broadway Street, #821 • Portland OR 97232 USA